Best Facebook Tricks 2014

Hello everyone, today I will be sharing some cool facebook tricks, tips and tutorials under a single post. I'm sure you gonna love it. So here are they Facebook tricks 2014

Best Facebook Tricks 2014
Best Facebook Tricks 2014

Download Facebook Videos

We all come across many videos on facebook daily and some of them are really worth downloading, but wait!  How to download ? 

So here is how you can download any facebook video.
First Go to Downvids and then simply paste the facebook video link. Select the format in which you want your video to be downloaded and then click the download button.

Download Facebook Videos
Download Facebook Videos

Other Sites to download Facebook Videos:

Check who Deleted You

Do you think someone is missing from your friend list? Maybe he deleted/unfriend you. Now you can check who deleted you on facebook by this small application. 

Go to Who Deleted Me and check out who deleted you. 

Accept All Friend Requests by a Single Click

Are you getting a lot of requests daily and you feel lazy to accept each and every request? Well you don't have to worry again, with this small script you can easily accept all the request at once.

  • First open up your request page and scroll it upto the last request so that all the requests gets loaded. 
  • Now Copy the code given below.
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);

  • Now press "Ctrl+ Shift+ J" to open up console window. Paste the code there and hit the enter button
  • It can take upto 2 miinutes depending upon the number of requests pending 

Note: When you paste the code make sure you remove our link that gets copied automatically

Note: I haven't tried this code on my account as I don't want to approve all the requests pending for me.

Invite all Friends to a Facebook Event or Page by a Single Click

Launched a new page or event? Great!! But How will you invite all of your friends to it? 
To remove your burden we have got a script for you that will automatically send  invites to everyone in your friend list. Now isn't it Cool!! Here is the trick we posted seperately.

Invite all Friends to a Facebook Event or Page by a Single Click
Invite all Friends to a Facebook Event or Page by a Single Click

Create A Facebook Page or Profile without any Name

It's a trend!! You must have seen it on facebook too. So are you excited to know about the trick behind it. 
I have already unfolded it deeply in my previous post. Have a look at it and yes do try it. 

Create A Facebook Page or Profile without any Name
Create A Facebook Page or Profile without any Name

Post an Empty Status or Comment

Just for fun, there's no reason behind this trick. Check here.

Go on post an Empty status. :) 

Add All Friends to any Group by A single Click

We all make groups, sometimes for personal reasons and sometimes for promotion. Right? Sometimes we need to add many members to our group but it takes a lot of time adding all one by one. So once again with this Script you can add everyone from your list to any group.

Note: This may sometimes lead to ban, use it on your own risk

Make Funny Facebook Walls

Make Funny Facebook Walls
Funny Walls

The image says it all. Make anykind of facebook funny walls posts. Add your own images, friends etc. You can post it on your own wall after making them.

Make your own funny walls from HERE.

Download Photo Albums of any PAGE, GROUP or FRIEND

Well this trick is really helpful. By this you can easily download any facebook album or photo of anyone in your list. 

The best thing is you can even download page albums and groups album/photos as well. Start downloading your albums from here.

Create Different types of Texts for Status, Comments and Chats

Create upside down texts, get differnet new smileys, create flipped text etc. Thousands of new things to try all at one place. Go toMAGIC STATUS have fun making cool designs for your status

Create Different types of Texts for Status, Comments and Chats
Facebook ASCII texts 

Final Words

So these were 10 Facebook tips and tricks and I hope you liked them all. We will be coming up with more facebook tricks compilation in future. Did you really liked it?? Comment below and Why not share it to your friends, I have all the sharing tools ready for you below. 
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